What is the relationship among units of pressure?

The relationships are given in the following table.

  kgf/cm2 mmHg mmH2O Pa
1 kgf/cm2 1 735.559 1.000028 x 104 0.0980665M
1 mmHg 1.3595 x 10-3 1 1.3595 x 10 0.133322k
1 mmH2O 0.99997 x 10-4 7.356 x 10-2 1 0.00980665k
1 Pa(N/m2) 1.0197 x 10-5 7.5006 x 10-3 0.10197 1


How many kgf/cm2 is 10 Pa?

Pa = 1.0197 x 10-5 (kgf/cm2), so 10 Pa = 10-4(kgf/cm2).

How many Pa is 10 kgf/cm2?

1 kgf/cm2 = 0.0980665 Mpa, so 10 kgf/cm2 = 0.980665 Mpa.