
There are many ways to find the products you need at Airline’s E-Store, including shopping by category, using the search bar, or using the quick order pad. 


Airline’s most popular products are grouped into the main categories listed on the left of the website. By clicking through the categories, you can browse Airline’s inventory to find the necessary components. 

  • Each category has a corresponding image representing the items listed in that group and a number indicating how many items are in that category. 
  • You narrow your search to find the necessary part when you click each category. 
  • You will be taken to an item results list when you reach an end category. 
  • Click the item ID to access the item detail page, which contains more information about the item and a link to its spec sheet. 
  • Alternatively, you can type quantity directly on the item results list to add the item to your cart. 

Your category pathway is shown at the top of the page (next to “Shop by Category”). If you think you’re in the wrong category, you can always go back and browse other category paths using the links in the pathway, the back arrow key, or by choosing a new category from the list.