If my nitrogen gas bottle has a pressure reducer/regulator connected to it, what adapter will I need?
For domestic use only, each charging & gauging kit should come with a G4 or G4.1 adapter that would typically connect directly to your CGA 580 gas bottle (3000 PSI) or CGA 680 gas bottle (5000 PSI) respectively. However, with a pressure regulator connected to the nitrogen gas bottle, an adapter is required to connect to the G4 or G4.1 hose connection. See image below for proper adapter selection. We also offer various G adapters for non-domestic usage which can be found in the catalog at:
http://www.hydac-na.com/sites/hydac-na/pages/catalogs.aspx > selecting Accumulators from the list or searching Adapters under Charging & Gauging Units from the search bar.